All On Four clinical cases
All-on-Four zygomatic implants in three weeks.
All-on-Four bimaxillary in four weeks.
All-on-Four upper in two (2) weeks.
Clinical cases – Single implants and Smile designs.
Central tooth implant.
Anterior tooth implant.
Smile design with CAD/CAM crowns.
Google Maps reviews
Success stories

“I had been using a removable prosthesis for many years, so I decided to consult Dr. Iván Lindo to get implants and recover my front teeth. The truth is, I chose him after several consultations because he was clear and generous with the time he dedicated to me, he cleared all my doubts, and answered all my questions. Now, after achieving the goal, my palate is free of devices, and my teeth are fixed and beautiful. I’m happy, and it wasn’t traumatic at all. Thank you, Dr. Iván, I truly appreciate it immensely.”
Elsa Guzmán

“I’ve known Dr. Lindo for many years, and he has always made me feel great trust. That’s why, when I wanted to whiten my teeth, he was the only one I thought of. Additionally, he cares for my family with great humanity and warmth. He is a dedicated professional who cares about constant updating. Dr. Lindo is a dentist who makes his consultation a different, calm, and high-quality experience.
Thank you, Doctor, for taking care of our dental health.”
Liliana Jimenez